Our Science Fair Project
Hyposthis- Which pop would explode the fastest with less sugar?
Process- We put mentos into different kinds of pop and then measured how high the pop exploded.
We used- Ginger Ale, Mountain Due, Diet Coke and Doctor Pepper
Purpose was to see which pop explodes the highest and the fastest depending on the amount of sugar that was in the pop.
We represented each exlposion in a bar graph
Conclusion- The Diet Coke went the highest because it had the least amount of sugar. It went 10.7 inches, the Mountain Due went 8.5 inches, and the Doctor Pepper 8 inches. The Ginger Ale did not explode at all.
So we came up with this conclusion- If you want a healthy pop (low amount of sugar) after performing this pop experiment we would suggest Diet Coke as your option.