The week of Oct 7-10 was read in week at Riverside School. Our students went to the Medicine Hat Preschool to read to the children and then we read to each other. During the week we did many activities that all revolved around reading- some art, some math, some language arts, some social studies. Everything that we do is about literacy and this week was a celebration. Through the week we had many visitors that came into the school and read to students as well.
We would like to thank- Mr. Peters (Principal of AMS), Officer Darr, Mr. Charelton, Mrs. Freeman, Fire Chief Stauth, Police Chief McGrogan, Kim Johnson, and then our very special guest Premeier Redford.
The students and the staff of Riverside School were exellent abassadors not only for the school but for all of Medicine Hat. What a wonderful community Riverside School has. Thank you.
From the Fire Cheif
Sherri, Thank you for inviting me to read to your students. I had a great time, your kids are fantastic. Thank you so very much for the gifts. I'm pleased to support programs like this.
Kim Johnson'c comments from twitter:
Thank you to Riverside School. The students and staff were wonderful. Thanks for inviting me and the tour of your beautiful historic school.
Using Technology we skyped with Mrs. Storrie- what a wonderful way to show everyone how small the world really is. Mrs. Storrie read a book from a beach on the Campbell River. It was so very nice to see her and have her share in our fabulous Read In Week.