Friday 20 December 2013

River Ridge Retirement Home Visit

Grades 3-6 students visited the River Ridge Retirement Home on Monday, December 16th.  The students sang songs from the Christmas concert, and then had time to visit with the residents.  Everyone had an enjoyable time.  We met one lady who taught Grade 4 at Riverside, another who attended Riverside as a child, and two residents who were related to two of our Riverside students.  The seniors were very impressed with the students' behaviour.  We will have to plan a return trip in the spring.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Girls Club collect pennies for Pediatric Ward of the Medicine Hat Hospital

The Girls Club collected Pennies for two weeks. During that time the students had a great time making sure that their class was the winner- Mrs. Prioir's Grade 4 class won the pizza party. The money that was raised so the girls could buy toys for those children that ever find themselves in the pediatric ward of the Medicine Hat Hospital. The girls presented the toys to members of the Pediatric Ward. What a great show of citizenship and caring for others.

Monday 2 December 2013

My classroom economy bidding wars!

This month our auction had many items. Miss. Kowalchuk asked Shaylee to keep a record of items purchased and sold. Miss. K has agreed to pay Shaylee $100 for her assistance during the auction. This month's top selling item was bought for $700, Matayah supplied a new bottle of 747 perfume, this item was purchased by Grace. Second highest item was the Zucchini Blossom Hot Chocolate and piece of carrot cake went to Izzy for $650! This month we had a total of twenty one auction items, not all items were sold including 1 game of dodge ball which had a reserve bid of $3000, I guess the students of room four didn't want to play dodge ball that bad! The cheapest item on the auction was a multi-colour pencil crayon supplied by Hunter it went for $25. Our top earner at today's auction was Matayah, she made $1655 and had to give 10% of her earnings back to the bank. Izzy was our top purchaser, she spent $850 at today's auction. As always this was a great experience for all!