Monday 31 March 2014

Doing our part for the environment- Earth Hour by Kynnlei

On March 29 we did our part for the environment. We brought flashlights and board games to the school for earth hour. We did this for one hour with no lights on- it was creepy in the gym with no lights. We made Earth Hour pictures/posters to show what we can do to help reduce waste. At Riverside we already recycle all our paper, cardboard, and milk containers. We turn off the lights when we are not using the room and sometimes we turn them off when we are in the room. 

Friday 21 March 2014

Discovery Day at River Hieghts

The excitement of Discovery Day at River Hieghts was just about too much for this crew of problem solvers. All the hard work on their solutions to problems is paying off today. Ms Kowalchuk has been tweeting about the success of the Kite and the minute to win it challenges. Great job Riverside problem solvers and creative thinkers.

Sledge Hockey Presentation

This is link to the Presentation that Tara Chisholm gave to Riverside School about Slege Hockey.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Excitement builds- Entrepreneur project begins

We have just started the Entrepreneur projects. Last year was our first year with this project and the students learned so much. This project is for the grade 4,5,6 students. They must think of an idea to make and sell. This is problem solving at its best. What would someone want to buy? How much would I sell it for? How many do I make?
Step one is just coming up with an idea. The problems that the students have encountered so far revolve around what they want to make and the facts- will someone buy it? If everyone makes the product already will they buy your product or just go home and make it for themselves. It is hard for students to give up on an idea but they are learning that rethinking ideas is part of the creative process. Using a design thinking model to fit the project students must define what it is that they are going to make. (What is the need, is there a need). After that students will then need to have conversatiions with parents. Parents are critical to this project- not only do they give the loan, they share the knowledge that they have in business. This is what we are working on today.

Ideas that students have come up so far are wonderful- From the school perspective this project fits into all the curriculum areas. Because of the money/loans we are not wanting any students to partner up, this will just cause hard feeling. 

Sunday 9 March 2014

Snowshoeing Fun

The Grade 3/4 students had perfect snowshoeing conditions at Police Point Park - sunshine and fresh snow!

They were exhausted by the end of our walk.

Thank you to the staff at Police Point Park for helping us out.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Go Canada Go!

We were very excited that Tara Chisholm was able to speak to our students about sledge hockey today. On Friday, Tara will be heading to the Paralympics in Sochi, Russia to cheer on Canada's Sledge Hockey Team.

Here are 5 things Deneille learned during the presentation:

1) Each player has two sticks.

2) It is really hard to shoot the puck.

3) The sled has two blades, but as the players get better they use one blade.

4) Sledge hockey is a very aggressive sport.

5) Team Canada will be playing in Sochi, Russia.

The students got a chance to sit in the sled and try to shoot on the net.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Snow Angels

The Grade 4 class eagerly took to the sidewalks this morning and helped clear the snow that fell over night.  Great job, guys!

Sunday 2 March 2014

Snow Much Fun!

Here are a few photos from our trip to Hidden Valley.  It was chilly, but the kids were troopers.  We made a lot of great memories!