Sunday, 23 November 2014

ART SMART- (creative expression)

Fridays are great days for being creative. Grade ones are exploring their Art Smarts. Look at the smiles!

Friday, 21 November 2014

Pizza with the Principal for November - citizenship and TRIBES

Congratulations to Madea, Elle, Skyla and Mason for being great role models for our citizenship and TRIBES. These students have been working very hard on their academics as well as their personal best. It is such a pleasure to get to know you better! Keep up the great work!

A library is more than a place to return and pick up books- ( creating learning environments and learning opportunities)

Thank your Mr. Albano for helping us create a space for learning not just returning books. We have a learning lounge now not "just a library".  Students are spending more and more time in the learning lounge and it is not just because of our wonderful selection of books. We have a maker space now! Mr. Albano is finding challenges for our students. Students are also exploring litereature with challenges as well. Where has reading taken you is a challenge to fill the world map with pins that locate the settings in our stories. Students also recommend books for other students. With Ms. J in the learning lounge after lunch, Mr. Albano in during the morning and Mrs. Rae as our guest reader to grade one class. Our learning lounge is also a place for small groups to gather to do work.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

What is Celebration of Learning? ( crating partnerships and community, sharing success)

Celebration of learning is what we used to call student led conferences. After a lot of thought and discussion we really figured out that the purpose was for the students to celebrate with their parents what they have learned so far in the year. It is so wonderful to see students being able to explain and demonstrate their learning.