Monday, 30 April 2012

Grade 3 Simple Machines by Wacey

We are making a concept map on our simple machine unit (wheels and levers). We studied wheel and axels,levers, inclined plain, gears, pullies Newtons and a spring scales. We did experiments through the unit. We can find gears anywhere- I found mine in art. We had to take all the information from our experiments and put it into our concept map showing that there are aconnections between what we learned. We are doing this on It is more interesting put this on the computer than it is to draw it out by hand. After we have our map we are going to then add our pictures.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Back to Nature

Ayden finds his favorite place- back to nature.

CHHS students visit Riverside

CHHS students, Jaubron, Ailish, Kate came by today to help out. They helped Mr. Frey with intramurals and then came to the office to help Ms. Hendricks learn Edmodo. 

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

How High can we make a Marshmellow Fly?

How High can we make our marshmellows fly? by Broyce
We were testing how high we can get a marshmellow to fly when the fulcrum are at 80, 20 or 50. We learned that the marshmellow went higher when the fulcrum was at 20. This is because we had a smaller place to hit with our hand. When it was at 80 we had a bigger place to hit. When the fulcrum was closer to our hand the marshmellow flew higher and faster. When the fulcrum was farther from our hand it went slower and not as high.

Literature Circle Fun- Kinley and Beth

We are reading The Prairie as Wide as the Sea. The main character is Ivey Weatherall is moving from England to Sask in 1926.She is experiencing a new life. She now lives on the farm with her four siblings, a cow and a horse.In Lit. Circles we have different assignments to do.  One is Literary Lumminary- we take quotes from the book that are funny, interesting, exciting, powerful and important. We must make a poster about them and then we hang it up in the classroom. We share the information with the class. Another center is the summerizer- we take paragraphs from the book and have to explain them in our own words. Visual Organizer is another center- we use pictures and charts to hlep organize our information ( the weather from 1926-2012). Investigators ( we get to use the ipad for this)must find pictures that represent things from the book. We must research what they are and what they do. There is also a Vocab. Enricher station. Here we take words from the book that we do not understand and then explain them.
We share all this infromation with the class from chapter to chapter so we all understand what the book is all about.
We like this better than just reading and answering questions. We must read between the lines to figure out what peoples personalities are and what motivates them.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Alberta Election

Alberta is electing a Government Today and our grade six class also took part. First we had to go to the computer lab-
We had to find the candidates,what party they were running for and then write three lines about each party. We then had to decide what party we wanted to vote for and why.
Today we got to vote- our results- The WildRose party won with six votes, The Evergreen party was 3, Liberals got two votes, Progressive Conserative Party recieved one vote, the New Democats received no votes. This was not a suprise to us. We knew that the WildRose would win because we liked the Education platform- "Our plan is affordable, acheivable, and most of all we put Alberta Families First". That slogan really influenced our decision.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Grade 5 goes to CHHS

The Grade 5 class from Riverside went to CHHS to visit Ms.Karpuik's FMNI class. We did tribes activities and made a medicine wheel that symbolizes our Tribes agreements.
Thanks Ms. Raimbault and Ms. Karpuik for a great experieince.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

TRIBES- grade 5,6 Leadership

Grade five and six students gave up a lunch hour to teach new games to the grade 4,3,2,1 students. They were working in the multigraded groups teaching games they thought the other students had not played in a while.. The spirit of cooperation was great to see.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Getting into the Easter Spirit- K Kids at work.

The K- Kids put an afternoon of crafts together for the younger grades to get everyone into the spirit. The leadership skills that our grade 3,4,5,6 students show when they are paired up with the younger students is wonderful to see. Thank you Ms. Ewert for  giving the students the opportuntiy to plan and then participate in activities for the whole school.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Chicks, Bunnies and more

Kindergarden and Grade One students spent part of the day at Police Point Park. They were checking out the chicks and bunnies.

Russell told us that there was more there than chicks and bunnies. He saw bird nests, bones from an antalope . We also saw these green things in the ground, they were growing- No Mrs. Hendricks it was not grass, it was some sort of flower. We did see moss. This was like a science class about nature not just about the chicks and bunnies.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Recorders- Music to our Ears

This is all that needs to be said. Great Job grade 5/6 and Ms. Hall

K-Kids and Diversity Club

 Thanks to Ms. Ewert and Ms. Leslie Crapo from Sammis Immigration students at Riverside were treated to a Culture Cafe. This event showed how many different cultures make up the Riverside Community. New students from different countries as well as students that were born in Canada shared food that represented their culture. We were treated to food from England, Phillipines, Germany, Italy and more. Yum, Yum
Thanks for showing us that we have lots in common and letting us celebrate where we came from.