Wednesday 25 April 2012

Literature Circle Fun- Kinley and Beth

We are reading The Prairie as Wide as the Sea. The main character is Ivey Weatherall is moving from England to Sask in 1926.She is experiencing a new life. She now lives on the farm with her four siblings, a cow and a horse.In Lit. Circles we have different assignments to do.  One is Literary Lumminary- we take quotes from the book that are funny, interesting, exciting, powerful and important. We must make a poster about them and then we hang it up in the classroom. We share the information with the class. Another center is the summerizer- we take paragraphs from the book and have to explain them in our own words. Visual Organizer is another center- we use pictures and charts to hlep organize our information ( the weather from 1926-2012). Investigators ( we get to use the ipad for this)must find pictures that represent things from the book. We must research what they are and what they do. There is also a Vocab. Enricher station. Here we take words from the book that we do not understand and then explain them.
We share all this infromation with the class from chapter to chapter so we all understand what the book is all about.
We like this better than just reading and answering questions. We must read between the lines to figure out what peoples personalities are and what motivates them.

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