Friday 6 September 2013

What did we do the first week of school?

What we did the first week of school to be the best that we can be!
Jordyn in grade four said that this week we got to pretend we were back in K- we traced each other then we had to make our person show that it was listening attentively. We wrote on our person eye contact, nodding of the head, not speaking when someone is speaking and listening from the heart. After that we got to decorate our person. Funny people came out of that class - some have braided hair, some have their hands up in the air. We have a twitter feed board in our class this year. We post what we did, how we did it and if we had fun doing it.

In grade three Abigail says that this week we wrote strories. We did this with a partner. We had to agree on what the story was about then who the characters where and what they were doing. We had to work together so we needed to use the agreements that we worked on all day Tuesday.We have had two community circles, they were about how the day went and who we appreciated through the day.

In grade 4 Luka said that this week we learned more about our friends and our teacher. The first day we said our names and one thing we liked to do. We filled in a stuff about you sheet that was fun. We told about our families. This year we are doing morning journals and that will be fun.We came up with the rules of the class by saying what it is we need to do to have a fun and safe class. We have a TRIBES booklet that reminds us of our agreements and we write what we would do to solve the problem that is in the book.

In grade 5/6 Rayden says we figured out that we need to wake up in the morning so we now do a 3k run  so that we can go to Elm Street's run in October. I really like the thesis proof that we do every morning, I am not really a great writer so this helps me and now I can already see that I am getting better. I like how Ms. K has us paying for our desks and then things that we do we get paid, we have to apply for the jobs, like I want to be the police officer and I get to help her. At the end of the month we have to pay our fines or just colletct our money- right now we rent our desks but we can own them if we save $3000. We have a store too and she will auction them off. Our fines are for breaking the agreements (TRIBES). This is going to be sooo good.

In grade 2 Jada says that this week we have started our printing- we started with the letter C. In math we use our white boards to write down our days of the week and the months of the year. We are getting ready for our Elm Street School run as well but we also do the monkey bars and this is not even in gym. I really like the gym time.

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