Friday 2 December 2011

Jumper and the lost butterfly net- Andrew, Taylar, Matthew

This was a puppet play that we performed for the grade 1 students. Our purpose was to teach the students the importance of attentive listening.
We learned our agreement rhyme. Ours was attentive listening- "I will always do my part and listen with my eyes and ears and heart".
Then we found a story book that would fit this rhyme. We choose - Seven Habits of Happy Kids
We had to figure out how we were going to get this book to fit the rhyme. We then developed our roles. We picked our roles by figuring out who wanted the roles and then made sure we had clear and loud voices.
We made our puppets out of popsicle sticks and cartoon characters that the grade ones would know.
We then wrote our script. We had to make sure that our play had the attentive listening rhyme and that it showed why it was important to listen. We made sure everyone was comfortable with the script and their roles before we performed them.
We learned that sometimes you listen with your heart and your eyes not just your ears.
Working with our group we learned that when you listen to each other it makes you more trustworthy and a better person. Group work can bring your friendships closer if we treat each other with respect while we are working.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful lesson on attentive listening. Sometimes it is difficult to work in groups, but if you start with an agreement, everyone is on the same level. Sometimes our own ideas don't get used in a group, but that does not mean they were not valued. Decisions have to be made, and as long as their is respect, the group will come out smiling. And like you said, "friendships can move closer." Great blog post.
