Thursday 1 December 2011

Shayleen, Willy, Toryn and Matayah share their Lengend in an Hour project

Our Legend was called The Rumour. This legend takes place in India in a Jungle. In this project our group was number one so we got the first part of the legend. Then everyone else got either the second, third, fourth or fifth part of the legend. Our group read our part of the legend and then decided what roles we had. We choose our parts by what we are good at as well as hints from the story. There was a girl rabbit and a boy rabbit, a tree and a narrator. Shayleen likes to  read so she choose the narrator. Matayah likes to act and there was a part for a girl bunny so she choose that. Toryn and Willy both wanted the role of the male bunny so they did rock paper scissors to see who had that part. We underlined our parts so we knew what we needed to say.
We practiced our play, came up with some props that would help with the story.
Each group had to perform their part of the legend. By the time every group was done we knew what the whole story was about.
The story in an hour project was fun but it was a challenge because we did not know the story but we did by the time we were done.Because we got to play a part we really got to understand the story- everything related to us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi kids, I like how you shared your learning about the story. By being involved, you said you got to understand it so much better. I would have liked to have seen the performance. Maybe on video for future. Thanks for sharing your learning.
